Crowdfunding Microsites

Inspire alumni to give by highlighting causes close to their hearts.


Open hearts to open wallets.

You’ve heard of Kickstarter, Kiva, and other crowdfunding platforms. There, people tell personal stories to inspire friends (and total strangers) to give to their cause. And it works – projects on Kickstarter have racked up a collective 5 million backers and raised nearly a billion dollars in just four years. How can you tap into this trend while keeping full control of your campaign? MSM’s alumni crowdfunding microsites do the trick.

MSM’s alumni crowdfunding platform is fast and easy to set up. It allows your college or university to collect donations for one or one hundred specific causes quickly by honing in on what your alumni care most about – and what they will be most likely to fund. MSM knows how to make a personal connection with your alumni through campaign stories packaged in a mobile friendly, intuitive microsite with a simple payment form that links directly to your school’s existing bank account.


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Crowdfunding Microsite Campaign Results

akron-cs-logoThe University of Akron is one of the premier universities in the Midwest and with over 150,000 alumni they were looking for ways to engage alumni and ultimately raise donations for various funds.

Using digital marketing strategies and MSM’s Crowdfunding platform the University of Akron was able to raise funds for 3 different campaigns that were close to donors hearts.


Don’t just ask for money. Make it personal.

There’s a cost to every communication you initiate with your alumni audience. Sometimes it’s monetary, like the cost of printing and mailing glossy magazines with giving envelopes tucked inside. Sometimes it’s attention-based, like when you blast your email list so frequently that your alumni start deleting your messages before they even open them. Both costs are crucial. MSM knows how to craft communications carefully so they hit the right audience with content that will get them to respond.

For example, English majors are more likely to give $10 to support a Shakespeare themed study abroad scholarship than are biology majors. Those biology majors are more likely to fund a new, high-tech aquatic testing lab. MSM can help you divide and conquer, aiming for smaller gifts – but way more of them – for specific campus initiatives.

MSM’s alumni crowdfunding microsites are flexible and scalable. They will revolutionize the way alumni give to your college or university with simple, streamlined payment forms that look and function just as well on a smartphone as they do on a desktop computer. Our alumni crowdfunding campaigns are goal oriented and instantly updated each time a gift is made, giving each donor the satisfaction of helping you get closer to your goal.

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We’d love to chat and learn about your marketing challenges and goals. When we meet, you won’t get a sales pitch, just a friendly handshake and lively discussion about marketing.
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Contact Us

Activate Alumni by MSM
438 Main Street, Suite 201
Rochester, Michigan 48307

Phone: 888.714.7814


MSM – The Alumni Marketing Experts

MSM offers technology driven social media, marketing, website development and business analytics built specifically for higher education. As early adopters of all new technologies, we enjoy finding alumni marketing applications for emerging social and mobile platforms.

We know how to adapt to the rapidly changing social landscape — and how to lead our clients through successful transitions into new opportunities as they become available.

For more information about MSM’s full suite of technology driven marketing solutions, visit our agency website at